Veterans Crisis Line: Call 1-800-273-8255 and press 1 or visit If you are having a health crisis, please call 727-541-4628.
If you are a veteran and are seeking employment, you can contact John Sanaxay at CareerSource Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Program (DVOP) 727-608-2532
Suicide prevention-based program for veterans through SVDP.
Assistance provided:
Mental health screening
Education on suicide risk/ prevention to families and communities
Case management services
Community assisted support services
Veteran qualifications:
Veteran/military status verification (homeless not a requirement)
Does not need intensive case management
Has increased risk of suicidal ideations or behaviors (does not have to currently be in crisis)
Health, environmental, or other historical risk factors.
POC: SaQueta James 727-338-5679
ALL SPFC locations will be CLOSED December 23rd - 27th 2024 AND January 1, 2025